NZAA Annual Conference 2017 – Thames
The Civic 200 Mary Street, Thames, New ZealandThis year's theme is the 150th anniversary of the Thames Goldfield
This year's theme is the 150th anniversary of the Thames Goldfield
The 2018 NZAA and AAA annual conference was held at the University of Auckland from 28 to 30 November 2018. The conference theme was Trans-Tasman Dialogues. Despite some striking differences between the archaeological record of New Zealand and Australia, we share the same historical roots as well as some key goals and priorities: the desire
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Image: Propellers on the beach at the Norweigan whalers base, Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island (M. Schmidt 2013, Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)The 2019 NZAA annual conference was held from Thursday 29th August until Saturday 31st August in Oban, Rakiura/Stewart Island. Post conference summary >> Conference Programme Wednesday 28 August – Evening welcome event Thursday 29 August
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