The New Zealand Archaeological Association and the University of Waikato are excited to offer a summer research scholarship for a student to assist with updating information in the New Zealand Archaeology Radiocarbon database and incorporating this information into ArchSite. The position will be based at the University of Waikato for 10 weeks over the summer. Applications are sought from students currently enrolled at a New Zealand university in an undergraduate degree, final year honours degree, or first-year master’s degree (taught papers only). The closing date for all student applications is 23 September 2021. The scholarship is an important opportunity to update the information about radiocarbon dates in ArchSite. More information about applying can be found here.
Ko te rangahau raumati korahipi nā te NZAA rāua ko Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato
E hākoakoa ana a te NZAA rāua ko Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato ki te whakapuaki atu i te whakarewatanga o te rangahau raumati korahipi. Ka tautoko te korahipi nei i ngā mahi a tētahi tauira i te whakahou o ngā mōhiohio ki rō i te New Zealand Archaeology Radiocarbon Database, ā, hei whakawhiti o ērā mōhiohio ki rō a ArchSite. Kei Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato te noho o te mahi. E tekau ngā wiki te roa o te mahi. Ko te tūmanako, ka tono ngā tauira e ako ana ki ngā Whare Wānanga ki Aotearoa. Whaihoki, e ako ana tērā tauira ki tana: tohu paetahi, tāhū paetahi (ki tana tau whakamutunga), tohu paerua (ki tana tau tautahi), rānei. Ko te rangi aukati o ngā tono mai i ngā korahipi ā te 23 Mahuru 2021. He ahurei te korahipi nei mō te whakahou ngā mōhiohio e pā ana ki ngā radiocarbon dates ki rō a ArchSite. He korero ano.
Image: Ellett’s Mountain excavation 1974-75