Congratulations to Sasha Joura, the 2024 recipient of the Walton Fund!
Sasha’s project is an extension of the work conducted on Stewart Island/Rakiura for her Masters of Maritime Archaeology thesis (Flinders University). The research used a community archaeology approach to build new knowledge on intertidal and submerged maritime archaeological sites of European or Pakeha origin. Acknowledging residents as the local experts on heritage and ‘crowd sourcing’ knowledge through interviews created a data set of 22 potential new maritime sites. The focus will be on ground-truthing new sites in Paterson Inlet, Bunker Islets, Freshwater River, and Murray Beach. Some of the site types have not previously been recorded on Stewart Island/Rakiura. The goal is to get accurate information on the new sites identified by locals, including accurate GPS locations and recording the site through non-disturbance survey for entering onto the NZAA ArchSite database.
More information on the Walton Fund, how to apply and previous applicants can be found here.